1.You can start your business now!
Listen up, aspiring entrepreneurs! Contrary to what you might believe, you do not have to wait for anything. If God gave you the vision, that is the sign to go! Maybe you don’t feel prepared to launch, but there are things you can do right now to start setting the foundation for when you are actually ready to launch your business. You can be doing research, starting on your business plan, purchasing your business name, buying your domain, etc. You can start working in the background until you are officially ready to launch your business. All the foundational work and preparation you do in the interim will eventually pay off.
Just make sure you have a plan for when you actually want to launch. Aspiring entrepreneurs are sometimes paralyzed by fear and mask it as just “getting things together”. At some point, you have to press publish! Don’t sit on your ideas forever.
2. You are the best person to start your business.
The vision and the ideas were given to you. The gifts and talents to carry out the business were also given to you. No matter the business idea you have, there is no one on this planet that can make it happen just like you. You may be hesitant to get started because you think there are already enough (blank) businesses in the world.
Have you ever walked the aisles of lotion at the store? Or have you seen the lipstick aisle? They might all be the same product, by type, but they are each unique in their own way OR the brands do one heck of a job at convincing us that they are the more unique brand. That is our assignment as aspiring entrepreneurs, and you are more than capable of making that happen for your business.
3. The hard lessons you learn along the way will be useful in your business.
As a new business owner mistakes are going to be made. You will mess up. It is a fact that you will have to scrap things and start over. You will do something wrong and be mad at yourself. That is normal and expected. What matters is what you do after you make these mistakes. I find it helpful to write things down in my journal.
When I journal my mistakes, I am able to either process them at that moment or come back to them at a later time when it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. In my experience, I have almost always been able to connect the dots and see how the lesson of certain mistakes was helpful for later in life. I have even been grateful for some of the mistakes I made early on in my business so that the loss was not as great.
4. Your vision only needs to make sense to you!
This is a huge one for aspiring entrepreneurs. Think back to the story of Noah in the Bible or other known inventors and entrepreneurs. I am 100% positive that these individuals had doubters or people who just couldn’t understand the vision they had for their business or product. You are not exempt from this. There will be times when you can sense that others just do not understand and that is okay. Still keep going.
People may not understand why you would start a business during a pandemic. They may not understand why you would start a business while raising little kids. People might question the purpose of your business. They may even challenge the need for your business. Do not be distracted by any of this. Eventually, you will get your business all the way together and those that need to understand will. The right people will take time to listen to your vision, rather than just writing you off. You will also learn that some people should not be privy to your business vision. You will realize that some people only deserve high-level details because you don’t want to deal with the problem or the risk of telling them your full vision.
5. You get to create your own definition of success
I have to admit, it is so easy to be distracted by the success of others and think you need to adjust your business, in an attempt to achieve the same thing as them. Hear me loud and clear, DO NOT DO THAT! Yes, aspiring entrepreneurs should take the time to learn from others and use that knowledge in a way that is appropriate for you. However, go back to #2: You are the best person for your business! If that is true, then your definition of success may not be the exact same as the next person.
It is your job to figure out what success means to you and set your goals according to that. You cannot achieve someone else’s goals. I repeat you cannot achieve someone else’s goals. Define success for yourself and work diligently to achieve it all.
6. Delays don’t mean it will never happen!
I ended with this one, because it is the one that resonates with me the most. Starting a business is not always a straight line to success overnight; or even in 6 months. Truth be told, it can take years, more than you would ever want, for your business to achieve the level of success that you have defined for yourself. I have listened to the stories of many entrepreneurs who share that it took over 10 years for some of them to be successful. I surely hope it doesn’t take that long for you or me.
However, from these stories, I also learned that during the wait, they kept going and did not give it all up. If you struggle with giving up you definitely need to read this! As a business owner, it is easy to have a timeline in your head and you feel entitled to things happening according to that plan. Spoiler alert: that is not always the case. Another spoiler alert: just because you feel delayed in reaching your goals, does not mean you will never achieve your goals.
Final Thoughts
I hope you and all the aspiring entrepreneurs who read this feel empowered and encouraged to get started on making your business a success. Entrepreneurship isn’t glamorous in the beginning, but the reward is well worth the effort!
I wish you the best!
Your Empowerment Coach,
Disclosure: I love sharing my fav things with you all. So, this page may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn some money when you click on one. Read the full disclaimer here
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