The Best Love Story Continued
Part 2 of our love story is finally here! Be sure to like, comment, follow, subscribe and/or share! Every one of these actions is a way to support me without ever spending a dime! I’d love to hear your thoughts and reactions!
If you missed part 1 you can find it HERE
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The Video Summary
A few weeks ago, I decided to begin sharing our love story, because it really is a unique story and who doesn’t love a good love story?!
There are so many layers to our love story that I didn’t even realize.
I am really enjoying sharing it with all of you and I hope you are enjoying it as well. I do appreciate all of the feedback and encouragement. If you happen to talk to my husband, give him a shout out for agreeing to do these videos with me! He has been such a champ and has not complained at all!
I think he is starting to like it haha.
In part 2 we are sharing how I knew he was the one and how he knew I was the one. We get pretty deep and transparent in this one, but I realized the entire story needed to be shared to really convey the full message.
Christian Love Story
As a Christian married couple, we have allowed God to lead our connection from the beginning. I can honestly say that we would not be together if we had not both been separately praying for what we now have. Whether you are single or married, I absolutely encourage you to begin praying for your partner and the relationship you want. My husband and I are a real testimony of how God answers those prayers!
Thanksgiving Love Story
In November of 2012, we spent our first thanksgiving together and it was absolutely the manifestation of God answering my prayers of “is he the one?”. Our first Thanksgiving together was such a pivotal moment in our love story. It showed me how much Vic really loved me for me.
I am a true realist and often need things confirmed in the most vivid way possible. In Part 2 I discuss the surprise I received on Thanksgiving in 2012 and how it confirmed I was on the right path with the right person.
How to Know He or She is the One
In Part 2 I also discuss how my personal morals and standards played a significant role in determining if Victor was really the one for me. I discuss how to uphold your standards to ensure you end up with the right person.
I also discuss the importance of not letting fear get in the way of what you really want. You cannot build a love story based on fear or dishonesty. These are two very important factors to every love story. The existence of these two factors or the lack thereof will determine the quality of the relationship.
As you watch Part 2 you will see how God allowed me to overcome fear and be 100% honest with Vic about my own desires and standards.
Again, thank you for watching, commenting, liking, and sharing!
Also Catch part 2 & 3 of our love story:
Our Love Story Part 1: How I met my husband.
Our Love Story Part 3: Our First Christmas Together (the never before told story of what he got me)
Be sure to follow me on Instagram (@greatlifeisamust)
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